Welcome to Los Robles-Ronald McNair AcademyTop of Page
Los Robles-Ronald McNair Academy is a TK-5 Spanish-English dual language immersion public school where children learn academic subjects and learn to speak, listen, read and write in Spanish and English. The school gives students the opportunity to reach established academic goals at all grade levels, and become biliterate, bilingual and bicultural!
A "choice" school with open enrollment - students are welcome from within and outside the Ravenswood City School District.
A "choice" school with open enrollment - students are welcome from within and outside the Ravenswood City School District.

School Hours:Top of Page
Students should be at school daily by 8:30 AM.
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays:
Students in TK-3rd are dismissed at 2:45 PM.
Students in 4th and 5th are dismissed at 2:55 PM.
Wednesdays and Scheduled Minimum days:
Students are dismissed at 1:30 PM.

AnnouncementsTop of Page
Ravenswood City School District
The Ravenswood City School District (RCSD) in San Mateo County is a unique academic environment that draws from the culturally rich communities of East Palo Alto and eastern Menlo Park. The ethnic make-up of the population is predominantly Hispanic (80%), African American (9%), Pacific Islander (12%) and other (4%). RCSD serves more than 1,500 students in transitional kindergarten through eighth grades in six schools that includes one middle school, one Spanish-English dual immersion academy and two elementary schools serving TK through 5th grade.