Safe Routes to School

Student drawing of a boy with a backpack and one on a bike on the sidewalk on their way to school with a city skyline in the background
The Ravenswood City School District Safe Routes to School Program is a community-wide effort that aims to improve the safety of all students while traveling to and from school, as well as encourage more active forms of transportation, such as walking and bicycling. Funding for this program has been received through grants offered by the San Mateo County Office of Education and the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County.
The collaboration between schools, parents, students, and all motorists on the road is essential to fostering safer routes to school. Increased safety, reduction in traffic and pollution, improvement in children's health, and community building are just a few of the many benefits to this program.
This Program will Utilize the Following Components to Promote More Walking and Bicycling:
  • Education: Classroom and outdoor instruction that teaches students safe walking and biking skills to use on their way to and from school.
  • Encouragement: Engage participants through events, contests, and initiatives that encourage students and parents to walk and bike to school more often.
  • Engineering: Help identify barriers and solve problems in the neighborhood to make biking and walking easier.
  • Enforcement: Work with law enforcement to improve traffic safety around schools.
  • Evaluation: Measure and monitor progress and success of programs and activities.
Everyone can do their part to make our schools and community safer, more active places. Here's how you can get involved:
  • Walking School Buses: Parents in each neighborhood take turns leading and supervising a group of children walking to school.
  • Bicycle Trains: Parents in each neighborhood take turns leading a supervising a group of children bicycling to school.
  • Volunteering for Special Events: Help organize and take part in events like International Bike and Walk to School Week, bike rodeos, and bike rides.
For additional information about the program or to volunteer, please contact Ernesto Lizaola directly at 408-287- 7259 x221.