School Safety Plan

The Safe School Plan is reviewed and updated annually in August by Los Robles-Ronald McNair Academy school staff. The plan is designed to be a practical document to be used in case of emergencies, especially the Big Five program which is used by all public agencies in San Mateo County and addresses these emergency responses:
  • Shelter in Place
  • Drop, Cover, and Hold On
  • Secure Campus
  • Lockdown/Barricade
  • Evacuation
The School Safety Plan contains the following information:
  • List of emergency telephone numbers
  • Responsibilities of certificated personnel
  • Warning signals that will alert students and school personnel of disasters that may have occurred
Students are taught the safety procedures outlined in the plan and drills take place to insure staff and students understand and will act quickly and safely in the event of an emergency.
Los Robles-Ronald McNair Academy works closely with and receives assistance from the local East Palo Alto Police Department and Menlo Park Fire Department.